Statement of Faith

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Congregation of God in the Spirit

Congregation of God In Spirit is an independent Church that emphasizes the Holy Spirit’s leading of our lives (Rom 8:14). God will pour out his Spirit on us, binding up all his grace and gifts toward us into the perfect package of love (Col 3:14). We will have no lack (1 Cor 1:10; Heb 10:1) if we love God with everything we have to offer, including our loyalty, and love our neighbor as we love ourselves (dignity, respect, proactive caring, seeking peace and reconciliation). The promised Holy Spirit (Joel 2:28-29) has come to renew us from the inside and teaches us how to live for God by avoiding things that ruin our lives and cause damage to those around us (Tit 2:12). 

A church is a family (1 Thes 4:10) of believers who belong to each other as a body and belong to the family of God with Israel who share in the promises of Jesus (Eph 3:6) . We celebrate and worship God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ every week by reading scripture, singing, and Biblical teaching (Eph 5:19). God’s wisdom is made known through the Church (Eph 3:10) so that his will is accomplished on Earth as it in Heaven (Rev 21:3-8).

We Believe

Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of God, who was eternally preexistent with the Father and the Holy Spirit in a Holy Trinity; He became incarnate as the virgin-born Savior of the world and through His sinless life, baptism with the Holy Spirit, atoning death on the Cross, and bodily resurrection fulfilled God’s sole plan for the redemption of fallen humanity. Jesus is the King of Glory who sits at the right hand of God as His Majesty on high, where He faithfully intercedes for us and from where He will return to earth to rule in righteousness. (Luke 1:34-35; John 1:1-2, 10:36-38; Acts 1:9-11, 2:33-36; 1 Corinthians 15:3-5; 2 Corinthians 5:21; Hebrews 7:24-26, 9:26)

These truths are revealed in the Scriptures, the Holy Bible, which is the Holy Spirit-inspired and infallible Word of God contained in the books of the Old and New Testaments, complete and truthful in its message and in all of the information it provides. The Word of God is the final and conclusive authority given to humankind to reveal the ultimate Way, Truth, and Life in Jesus who alone can satisfy our need to know God and live in a worshipful relationship with Him. (Matthew 5:8; John 5:39, 14:6; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Peter 3:16-18)

The Scriptures join with God’s revelation of Himself in Jesus and His Creation to show us the goodness and glory of the eternal Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things visible and invisible and who is everywhere present in holiness, wisdom, power, and love to redeem humankind’s promise and potential, and whose redeeming grace alone provides for humankind’s salvation and restoration. (John 1:3, 14:16-26, 16:12-15, 20:30-31; Romans 1:20; Colossians 1:16-17; 1 Timothy 1:17, 2:3-6; Titus 2:11; Hebrews 1:1-3; 1 John 4:15-16; Revelation 1:8)

The Gospel is the complete message of God’s salvation and restoration. The Gospel proclaims that forgiveness of sin, the restoration of God’s loving rule and benevolent Kingdom, and the promise of a blessed and eternal life are available through repentance and faith in Jesus, our Savior, and King, and it declares that this faith brings new birth into the Kingdom of God where God’s loving purpose for each individual may be realized through the power of His Holy Spirit. (John 3:3-7; Acts 16:31, 26:17-20; Romans 1:16, 10:8-13; Titus 3:4-7; Hebrews 6:1-2)

The Church is constituted of all people who have believed and received the Gospel and is unified by our worship of Jesus the Messiah as our Savior and King. Thus, it is a diverse messianic community of Jews and people from all nations who honor and support one another through mutual prayer, fellowship, and gifts. It is also a reconciled people who through the power of God’s Holy Spirit forgives and asks forgiveness of one another. As such a people, the Church practices water baptism and celebrates The Lord’s Table as prophetic signs of the reality of the new life that believers live in the Messiah. (John 13:34-35, 15:12-13; Acts 2:36; Romans 15:7; 1 Corinthians 12:3; Galatians 3:26-29; Ephesians 2:19-23, 4:1-6; 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12; 1 John 4:7-21)

The whole Church is commissioned by Jesus to take the Gospel to the whole world and urges that all people be reconciled to God in Jesus’ Name and experience the fulfillment of their humanity in their worship of and growth in Him. This commission is accomplished through the love and power of the Holy Spirit who has come from God the Father at the request of Jesus the Son to enable all believers to serve one another in grace and to serve others by feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and visiting the needy and neglected. (Matthew 5:13-16, 24:14, 28:18-20; Mark 16:15; John 16:7-15; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 5:18-21)

The fullness of the Holy Spirit is the wellspring of the Church’s capacity for witness and ministry. Jesus himself baptizes the members of His Body—the Church—with God’s Spirit, to empower each one for good works of reaching people with the Gospel, forgiving people, bringing salvation, freedom, and healing to people. The fruit and gifts of the Spirit are tangible manifestations of the Kingdom of God and evidence of the truth and grace that the Church preaches and shows to all nations. (Matt. 3:11, 24:14; Luke 3:16, 24:48-49; John 7, 14:12, 20:21-23; Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4; 10; Rom. 12:5-8; 1 Cor. 12:4-11; Gal 5:22-23; Heb. 13:8)

The Church lives in the hope of God’s glory and the expectation of Jesus’ return. For this reason, believers pray that God’s will be done and His Kingdom come on earth as in heaven, looking forward to the return of the Messiah and the consummation of God’s Kingdom over all creation, at which time all of those who have received His rule will exchange mortality for immortality. (John 5:28-29; Romans 14:10-12; 1 Corinthians 15:35-58; 2 Timothy 4:1-2; 1 Peter 4:7; 2 Peter 3:11-14; 1 John 3:2-3; Revelation 20:11-15)

The above affirmations of faith are founded on the revelation of God’s Word and are reaffirmed in the following statements:

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, perfect in unity as Creator, Redeemer, and Restorer of Humankind.

The completed canon of the Old and New Testaments, inerrant in the original manuscripts and infallible in its truth for faith and life.

The fashioning of earth for human habitation, and the historicity of primeval history as presented in the Scriptures.

And in the reality of the invisible war against demonic hosts who seek to tempt and separate humankind from the Father.

That humankind is lost without Jesus the Savior, whose atoning blood and substitutionary death alone provide forgiveness for and justification from sin and provide eternal life.

The virgin birth, reconciling death, bodily resurrection, personal ascension, and promised Second Coming of Jesus, the Messiah.

Under the Saviorhood and Lordship of Christ, with a commitment to respond to His prayer “that they may be one” in the Spirit of humility and love.

And affirm the calling of Jewish followers of the Messiah to remain true to their identity as Jews (Rom 11:28-29; 1 Cor 7:17-20; Acts 21:17-26).

To go into all the world preaching the Gospel, baptizing, and making disciples.

And through the Church, beginning with the believer’s receiving the Baptism with the Holy Spirit as at the beginning.

In serving human need, that the Gospel not be reproached, and that God’s love be seen in practice as well as proclamation.

into eternal union or eternal separation from God; ministering in this light with the passion of those who believe that “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).

As the union of a man and a woman to one another in a shared life of fidelity and devotion as a gift given by God to His people and one of the ways through which His image is made known in the world. (Genesis 1:26; John 13:34-35; 15:12-13; Acts 2:36; Rom. 15:7; 1 Cor. 12:3; Gal. 3:26-29; Eph. 2:19-23, 4:1-6; 1 Thess. 4:9-12; 1 John 4:7-21).

Congregation of God in the Spirit subscribes to the historic creeds of the Church, including the Apostles’ Creed and Nicene Creed, and to the Statement of Faith of the National Association of Evangelicals (USA), and to the Declaration of Faith of the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America. Congregation of God in the Spirit adopted its statement of faith from The King’s University.