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Pastor Tim
One thing that The King’s University has taught me is that serving God and leading a congregation is an exciting privilege. Christian education has given me wonderful opportunities to learn from Pastors and Rabbis who impress on us the nature of God and the spiritual formation required to lead a Church. We are all students of the Word of God. His disciples sat at his feet to learn about God our Father and what he expects of us. I’m encouraged and energized to teach the word of God and build bridges with people who have been estranged from Christianity. I know God has given me a second, third, and fourth chances to get it right. I know about his mercy and forgiveness. I have experienced the power of his Spirit that creates in you a new heart. I have also learned to leave things behind that have no value.
My life wasn’t a straight path to church leadership, so I don’t expect people to have perfectly packaged life stories and testimonies. We have all been discouraged and done things that we shouldn’t have, and the regret can haunt us. I am deeply aware of these feelings. I know now that God isn’t afraid of scandal or drama. We can start over in the power of the name of Jesus and his atoning sacrifice for us, who is rich in mercy to forgive our sins.
If you are looking for a church that provides opportunities to reconnect with God, who is abundant in mercy, this may be your place. If you are looking for leadership that understands, through trials, that life is messy and filled with brokenness, this could be a family for you. If you want to grow and experience the Holy Spirit with Biblical principles and connection to our rich Christian traditions, you don’t have to look far. Come visit and experience a Congregation of God in the Spirit.